Wednesday, September 26, 2018

History of the Mormon Religion

The Mormon Religion

While discussing the Second Great Awakening and the number of new religions and faiths that emerged,
I decided to look more into one of them: the Mormon religion. Founded in 1823 by Joseph Smith,
the Mormon religion has expanded in great amounts. The religion originated in Rochester, New York,
but it is most centrally located in Utah. The belief is that Joseph Smith was a prophet and he claimed that the angel, Moroni, had spoken to him. He said that there was actually a third part to the Bible
(The Book of Mormon). Moroni supposedly spoke of an ancient Hebrew text that had been lost and
was over 1,500 years old. This text was said to be engraved on golden plates and that it was Joseph
Smith’s responsibility to spread the word of God. He spent years transcribing the word of God onto
paper that could be copied. His ideas spread when, in 1830, the official Book of Mormon was published.
Soon, in places like Illinois and Ohio, the religion was gaining supporters. They set up Mormon
communities in these states, but unfortunately, Joseph Smith was shot by an angry mob as many people
didn’t approve or agree of the Mormon religion. Brigham Young took over as the leader
of the religion after his death and moved across the country until finally finding the ‘promised land’
in Utah. The capital of the Mormon community is now known as Salt Lake City. Although the hub of the
religion is further west now, the idea was originally started around the time of the Second Great

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to see how there can be so many interpretations of Christianity and how all these different interpretations lead to so many different sects. It is also impressive that the religion stayed alive despite the fact that many people hated them and forced them to move west.
