Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Battle of Chancellorsville

The battle of Chancellorsville was a major Civil war battle that took place near Chancellorsville, Virginia. This battle is often remembered as one of General Lee's greatest victories. The battle took place from April 30 to May 6, 1863. Lee faced General Joseph Hooker's army, an army nearly twice the size of his own. Hooker's army had crossed the river and ended up behind Lee. Hooker told Lee that he could either leave or fight. Lee along with his subordinate Stonewall Jackson decided to fight. Lee decided on the tactic of splitting his troops. Although it was a risky move it worked a Lee was able to defeat Hooker's army. Jackson's attack was a brilliant and tactical success which destroyed nearly half of General Hooker's line. However, nightfall prevented Jackson from a complete success and because it was dark Jackson ended up getting wounded by his own picket line. The most intense battle occurred on May 3.  Lee attacked the troops which Hooker had left behind. The attack was successful and on May 6, Hooker recrossed the Rappahannock River. Throughout the battle, Hooker lost 17,000 men while Lee only lost 13,000. Of these losses, the most significant was that of Stonewall Jackson, who was one of the most trusted generals in the Confederate army.


  1. I thought that this was really interesting. It goes to show the difference in abilities between the two sides. The confederacy were much better at tactics and the Union was much better at strategy. The battle of Chancellorsville was won because of the clear confederate tactical advantage.

  2. This battle makes it easier to see why Robert E. Lee is so often praised as being one of the greatest generals. Even when outnumbered two to one, Lee's quick decisions and the confederacies lack of a great leader resulted in a confederate victory.
