Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Oscar Micheaux

After seeing a snippet of one of Oscars movies I decided to learn a little more
about his movies and were he gained his inspiration from. Oscar was one of the first
major African-American filmmakers.
Image result for oscar micheaux
He is known for his works in movies such as “Within our Gates”.
Oscar originally came from humble beginnings of being an author and selling
around 1,000 copies from his first book. Oscar book was anonymous but he
also made the book primarily autobiographical which was about his failed marriage
and being a black homesteader.
Image result for oscar micheaux silent film
Oscar progresses with his theme of African Americans realizing their
potential which is something he carried on into his movies. Oscar founded
the Micheaux Film and Book Company which allowed him to do a feature
film of the “Homesteader” which was an adaptation of his book. Oscar also
had a lot of significant films which goals were to represent African Americans
reaching for higher goals. One of his movies is called “Within our gates” it was a response to the instability after WW1. More of Oscar works combated issues of mixed
race and passing. But due to the films nature, the Film Board of Virginia
forced him to make cuts to his movies. Oscar was influential in the black community
as he employed African-American actors in his films also his movies were watched by
primarily African-Americans. Oscar continued to do silent films until the Great Depression
were making movies became too expensive which then resulted in him to return become a writer.


  1. Hey Justin, what are some specific cultural elements that Oscar incorporated into his films? How did it contribute specifically to the unity between black and white Americans? I like your general article, but this makes me curious about specifically how Oscar modified the American perspective.

  2. This is a cool look into the popular culture that was present at the time. It is interesting to see how even the movie industry showed the cultural divides within the united states.
