Thursday, November 1, 2018

The European Front: American Strategies in World War 1

It is often Assumed that the Moment the Americans joined the war German defeat became imminent. This is not entirely true. The year the US declared war on Germany was a disaster for the Allies. A joint French and British were launched across all fronts with the goal of capturing German U-Boat bases. This ended up being a complete failure, massive French Casualties caused a wave of Dissertations through the French army paralyzing their war effort. While the British did not suffer the same scale of defeat they would soon suffer a massive blow. The British began an offensive into Passchendaele with the goal of silencing the German artillery and Naval forces. The battle was British defeat but was the first batAmericanican units technically were engaged in. American engineers where called to the front in order to support the birtish lines.

The Following months the US Military high comand would engage in an defensive docterine while planning what there plan would be. This is when the Germans launched an Offensive which attempted to end the war and push out the Americans before the bulk of their forces could reach the front. The United states would end their entrenchment docterine by engaging in the Somme Offensive also know as the 100 day offensive. This pushed the germans back which had exausted men and resources in their offensive. A blow that most of the German highcommand did not realize was that their elite "Stormtrooper" divisions had almost all perished in the attacks against the french. These where hardned verterans equiped with highly specialized weapons. Withought them the Germans could no longe hold the line.

One of the last Offensives of the war was the US argone Offensive. They had to conquer hell. Fortresses and trenches covered the forrest and the cassualties were high on both sides. The German artillery wiped out several US Divisions but once the Americans broke throught the first trench line the war was effectively over.

The US joined the war late but still paid a heavy cost. Thousands of men where dead and thousands more permantly injured. The war however was over, they could forget the war and return home. Until of course a man with a peculiar mustache started another global war. That is a story for another time.


  1. I can tell you have an interest in the subject and are knowledgable about this topic. I really enjoyed that you used this post to clear up a common misconception about America's involvement in the war and that you ended the piece with a note for the future to come both for the world at the time and for us (as I'm assuming you'll write a blog post about WWII).

  2. This post was very interesting to read for me because we hadn't spent as much time talking about WW1 strategies for the US in class. However, I don't quite understand how the US joining the war was a disaster for the allies. Wouldn't the added US troops be helpful to the allies on the western front?
