Thursday, March 21, 2019

Gloria Steinem

Gloria Steinem was amongst one of the leading minds in the Second Wave Feminist Movement, the movement that took place from the 60s to the 80s. Gloria Steinem graduated from Smith College and after bouncing around in India and doing other various activism she ended up becoming a journalist. In perhaps one of the crazier moments in the feminist movement Steinem decided to take up the task to go undercover as a Playboy Bunny and expose the Bunny Clubs for their exploitation of women as sexual objects.
Steinem found the conditions inside the club to be as horrifying and misogynistic as one would expect from a glorified version of hooters in the 60s. Steinem first found things to be a little off when she was asked to get a physical for a "waitressing" job. When she arrived she found stirrups on the exam table the doctor quite alarmingly said, "so you want to be a bunny." The women could lose money for demerits from their already small salary for things as trivial as not smiling enough. The hours were long, tireless, and the wage was deceptively lower than advertised. Not only that but some special key holding members were able to make "special" requests of the bunnies which resulted in some borderline prostitution. Even when not having to cater to these special key holding members, the bunnies were often groped, called demeaning names, and treated as little more than prostitutes all in the name of the male sexual revolution. Steinem under the alias Marie Oaks for four weeks was able to get enough material to publish an article called "A Bunny's Tale" in Show magazine gained significant attention.
Despite setting up such a deplorable work setting for these Bunnies, Hugh Heffner did slightly improve the quality of the work by removing the demerits and the physical. This article launched Steinem as a major feminist figure who helped to revolutionize societal attitudes towards women. Steinem to this day continues to be a voice of activism at 84 years old.


  1. I really liked how you fleshed out Steinem's influence throughout American culture in this post. I was really intrigued by your last sentence, that Steinem is still politically active to this day. Steinem appears to have been a significant voice for the past few presidential elections, which seems to be influential due to her history of activism in American politics. She was even awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom as recent as in 2013. This gives a real sense of scope that the figures from the 1970s are still relevant today.

  2. Wow I didn't know she was still alive today. It was really interesting that she didn't start out focused on woman's rights, but she did start out an activist.
