Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Is Lincoln the American Jesus?

Lincoln was assassinated on April 15, 1865, by John Wilkes Booth 6 weeks after his inaugural address. For some very odd reason, this day was coincidentally Good Friday. This led to ministers, pastors, and preachers interpreting his death in a completely different way. \
Here are a few things they said...

  • He "died for our country" (wow just like jesus died for us!)
  • They proclaimed "the grave cannot hold him and he has been lifted up above the clouds and has become an angel" (woah! that sounds like when jesus rose from the dead)
  • Frederick Douglas said Lincoln is the "salvation of the country, he died for the republic lives" (what? jesus was our salvation! he died for us...)

 In general, it was almost like he was compared to Jesus. Many artists started depicting him as the song of God going to be lifted above the clouds and sitting next to God. Just like Jesus was crucified for our sins and saved humanity from eternal damnation, Lincoln was assassinated to save the nation from civic damnation. Many people say that Lincoln's death parallels that of the Son of God. Did they think he was the son of God though? In general, after reading some arcticles they didn't they just compared him to jesus and basically saying he was the son of God of America.

A quote by Rev. C. B. Crane in Harford simplifies this claim, "Jesus Christ died for the world. Abraham Lincoln died for his country." Many American Christians took his loss personal and felt attached to Lincoln almost as they felt attached Jesus.

You decide... Is Lincoln the America's Jesus?

Here is an example of a painting:
Image result for lincoln rising from the dead painting
Look at that! Lincoln is rising from the dead :)


  1. I really like this article! It has a lot of interesting facts, such as the quote from the Reverend, and I really like your use of humorous commentary in the parentheses. I also find this topic really intriguing, since most people don't normally associate politics and religion, but christian values and faith actually played a large role in the Civil War and Lincoln's administration.

  2. I like how this article ends with an open-ended question that provides facts and then encourages the reader to interpret them. It also can allow readers to see both sides of the story.

  3. I really enjoyed your little comments in the parenthesis. They made it funnier to read. You also make and interesting claim and use great evidence. I did notice a couple typos however.

  4. I like that you ended the article with a question and used different quotes. I think that in many ways, Lincoln's role in the Civil War was similar to the perception of Jesus and it was easy to fit him into role.

  5. I really Liked your blog! By far one of the most interesting things I've read on blogger so far. I think in a way he was an american Jesus or at least we view him as one. He has been turned into such a benevolent christ like figure its almost hard to think of him as someone cabable of sin. In that sense I think Lincoln was an american Jesus

  6. I thought that this post was very interesting because it shows the religiosity of the American people, turning a political icon into a religious one. I liked that you used quotes and an image. It made the post more engaging!
