Sunday, October 7, 2018

Shocking Similarities Between Lincoln and JFK

A few days ago, I was scrolling through my IG explore feed and I came across an interesting post that had a list of the similarities between Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. I found some of the things on the list pretty interesting so I decided to research this further to see if this post was actually credible or not.

Firstly, I'll start off with some similarities that may seem ridiculous and trivial. Both Lincoln and Kennedy contain 7 letters and the names of their killers, John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald, both contain 15 letters. Both of the killers were "southerners."While John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln because Booth was a confederate from the south, and Lincoln was the leader of the Union, Lee Harvey Oswald just happened to be from the south. Oswald wasn't motived by his regional affiliation. Whether true or not, both assassins both stood at 5 feet 8 inches. Both presidents were assassinated on Friday; the chances of which are actually quite low being 1/49.  Both the wives of these presidents, Mary Todd Lincoln and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, were somewhat fluent in French, and each president lost a child in office. Finally, while it is quite a stretch, Lincoln was assassinated in Ford's theatre, and the car that JFK had been assassinated in was a ford; Lincoln was is box 7 in Ford's Theatre and JFK was in the 7th car of the motorcade.

Some of the next similarities are quite interesting whether they are actually connected or not. After they were assassinated, their successors were both named Johnson: Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson, who were also both southerners. Both Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson were also born 100 years apart, Andrew in 1808, and Lyndon in 1908. Continuing with the 100 years apart trend, Booth was born in 1839 and Oswald in 1939. Both Lincoln and JFK were elected into congress in the years '46, Lincoln in 1846 and JFK in 1946, and were both elected as presidents of the United States in the years '60, Lincoln in 1860 and JFK in 1960. During their time in office, the last name of Lincoln's secretary was Kennedy, and last name of JFK's secretary was Lincoln. Both of these secretaries had advised their president not to go to the place where they were assassinated.

The similarities listed above are just a few of what I found. Whether you actually think they are related in some sort of political conspiracy, or if they are merely just a coincidence is entirely up to your own judgement. In any case, it's never a good thing if the President killed, especially because both these presidents worked towards greater civil rights for Americans.


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