Monday, October 29, 2018

Mean Girls: American Imperialism Edition

Mean Girls

             I guess it's natural for countries to cry on their counterpart's first try at imperialism.  But, you know, this usually happens when the country is 5.  I'm 100 years old and until today, I was home-based.  I know what you're thinking.  "Non-colonizers are freaks."  Or that we're weirdly religious or something.  But my country's totally normal.
             Except for the fact that both my parent was also a colonizer.  And I've spent the last 100 years doing and undoing and redoing policy.  I had a... life.  But then my country got offered the opportunity to colonize other countries.  So it was goodbye United States and hello Philippines.
             The leader began, "Well, I just wanted to let everyone know that we have a new country joining us.  She just moved here all the way from the U.S.  Welcome."  I don't know if they really wanted to welcome me, but it felt nice.
             The first day of colonization was a blur.  A stressful, surreal blur.  I got in trouble for the most random things.
             - Where are you going?
             - Oh, I have to go use all your resources and force you into buying from our market.
             - You need to ask us.
             - Ok. Can I use all your resources and force you into buying from our market, and maybe even treat you as lessers due to the color of your skin and my own insecurities?
             - Nice try.  Leave.
             I had never lived in a world where my lessers didn't trust me, where they were always trying to fight me.
             - Don't take our culture!
             - Don't call us that!
             I had a lot of friends in America.  But so far, none in Manila.

I chose to write this post from the American perspective, which often in our history sees America as the victim of others' horrific treatment.  The purpose of this is to convey just how ironic American victimization can be and has been when America actively chooses to invade other countries, like the Philippines during imperialism, and strip their cultures and dignity for American benefit.  I used the beginning of the original transcript from the movie and replaced words to make it fit the "mean" American spirit in imperialism.  Enjoy!


  1. This was a very original and creative way to describe American Imperialism. I liked how you portrayed the irony of American Imperialism in the post. The paragraph at the end also helped to make your points clearer.

  2. This was so creative and funny! I loved the way you used the unfamiliar situations with American imperialism and compared them to that of Mean Girls.
