Sunday, October 7, 2018

TUSHAP 2018-19hat time Otto Von and President Ulysses S. Grant talked about the American Civil War

Heres something most people don't know! The American Civil war was raging at the same time as Prussia was struggling to Unite Germany. Germany was effectively United in 1862 and the American Civil war began in 1861. During this time Europe was in turmoil with the formation of a powerful new nation this combined with the fact that technology had drastically changed since the last great European war Bismark was hungry to observe a conflict with modern weapons. When the American civil war broke out Bismark took several generals with him and began observing the conflict. This expedition first was solely for educational reasons but it quickly evolved into something more personal for the young chancellor.

Bismark began to gain respect for the Americans. Frequently stating "No men fight harder". This admiration came from the fact that like Ulysses S grant, Bismark too had to fight to unify his country. The only difference was the civil war. This war was fought with new tactics to adapt with the new technology. Bismark took this new knowledge and applied it on the European continent.

That should have been the end of the story. But Ulysses S Grant went on a 30-month tour of the world. During this tour, he visited Bismark at his home. From this, he and Bismark discussed the war. The world and war in general. In this discussion, General Grant told Bismark "I am more of a farmer than a soldier". They debated the cause of the war but when this meeting ended two titans of history left to return to their homes both with new knowledge gained.


  1. I liked how you compared something we learned this year to something some of us learned last year in Mehap. It's cool how you compared the unification of Germany to the unification of the Union as well. It was interesting to me that the great Bismark had actually learned his strategies from the civil war and Ulysses S Grant.

  2. I liked learning about a "behind the scenes" story. While all of this was going on, the Civil War was also affecting lives in Germany. I liked how you compared the unification of both countries and how the Americans actually taught the Germans a few things.
