Thursday, May 2, 2019

Ms. President?

         Despite there being many other women who have run for the presidency I feel as if only Hillary Clinton has been acknowledged. Maybe its because they were in the past and now women might have a real chance in obtaining the presidency but I'm here to inform you of the other powerful women in history. 
        First up we have Victoria Woodhull who is believed to be the first female to run for president. She was a leader for the Women Suffrage movement She was nominated by the Equals Right Party on May 10, 1872. She proposed to create a new constitution and government.  
        In 1884 Belva Lockwood also ran for the presidency with Marrietta Stow running for Vice President making her the first to do so. 
        Ovetta Hobby was the first to be considered for a major party nominated by Dwight D. Eisenhower, however, she declined. She was the first female secretary for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare later known as the Department of Health and Human Services. 
        Margeret Chase Smith ran for the Republican Party nomination in 1964. SHe came in second in the Illinois primary attaining 25% of the votes. She was the first women to have her name placed in nomination for the presidency. 
        It's amazing the way that there have been so many women who have tried to get to the top but because of societies expectations and just the view they have of women, they have yet not been able to have this big of a position. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is a very interesting article that most definetely shows that women are just as capable as men to run for presidency. It is a shame that Oprah isn't running for presidency, but I cant see why she isn't. There are many influential women out their who have a real shot at the presidency so it's exciting to see whats going to happen next.
