As juniors, we're all being caught up in the college research/application/prep process, so I feel like this is pretty relevant for us. The college scandal has been pretty well reported on, but I'm gonna break it down in a pretty simple way.
Basically, what happened was that Olivia Jade Giannuli (I'm sure you guys recognize the name), an influencer, was accepted into University of Southern California, which is an extremely selective school. USC was reported to have a 16.6% admissions rate in 2017, making it a very VERY difficult school to be granted admission to.

With this being considered, it's questionable how Olivia got into USC, since she dedicated a significant amount of her time while being in highschool to growing her social media platforms and her youtube channel, which has nearly 2,000,000 subscribers (good for you Olivia...). However, the reason behind her admission has been exposed as blatant bribery- her parents, Lori Laughlin (who played Aunt Becky on Fuller house) and Mossimo Giannuli, gave $500,000 to USC athletic officials to help their daughterS (Olivia and her sister Bella) get admitted into school on the belief that they were competitive rowers. Olivia and Bella are still enrolled in school, though both deny that they knew what their parents were doing. According to sources, both girls have decided to withdraw, and have physically, but haven't gone through the proper channels yet.
Olivia said that she didn't even want to go to USC, and that her parents, who included forged photos of her rowing in her application, were the ones in charge of her and her sister's applications. Olivia is victimizing herself, and is in Malibu living with her boyfriend, keeping her head down and laying low. Lori Laughlin is pleading not guilty in the case lodged against her, saying that she didn't know that what she was doing was illegal- parents donate to large universities all the time to help their kids' admissions and that isn't seen as a problem.

However, the college scandal isn't limited to Olivia and Bella- Gordon Caplan, a successful lawyer, payed $75,000 to have his daughter's, Rachel Caplan, ACT score doctored to be a 32/36, though Rachel never scored above a 22 on her practice exams. And Operation Varsity Blues, which seeks to uncover the depth of the college scandal, has led USC to reject 6 applicants who also had fraudulent applications earlier this year. Stanford expelled a female student who remains anonymous for faking sailing qualifications and donating $500,000 to the sailing department. Stanford also fired the sailing coach, John Vandemoer, who accepted the bribe.
The full extent of the scandal is yet to be uncovered, but guilty parties are being charged with bribery and will have to face trial.
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