Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Battle of Okinawa: The Battle which decided the Fate of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

This is the Island of Okinawa. The Image is blurry sorry but here is some background information before I delve into the story of thi battle which would decide the fate of Japan.

Background Information

Okinawa is one of the Home Islands of Japan. Roughly 300 miles away from the mainland. It is strategically crucial because of its closeness to Japan, and its symbolic nature. This is why Japan ordered that the island would be defended at all cost. The American Forces knew that to begin their offensive on the true Japanese Home Islands, Okinawa must fall.

The Battle of Okinawa

Forces Involved,
The Battle would Begin on April 1 1945 and would be the final invasion on the Pacific Theater. The Invasion Included a marine task force of roughly 200-300 thousand troops Numbers shift depending on sources I went with Wikipedia and This task force included Tanks, Carriers , Aircraft, Artillery and numerous other modern weapons. The Japanese Defense force was given orders by Emperor Hirohito Himself to defend the island at all cost. The Japanese had a force of roughly 100 thousand men. Plus a contigent of Okinawan militia who were forced to fight. They were highly fortified in the south and had plenty of ammunition and food.

The American Strategy was spearheaded by Major Simon Bolivar Junior, he planned for a strong initial conflict, he would land his invasion at the center of the island and divide it in two and launch two offensive hoping to divide Japanese forces. Japanese forces were ordered to fall back to the souther tip of Okinawa and not attack the initial landing. They would dig in and hold the south and allow the rest of the island to fall. this allowed their forces to be maximized and united in the battle.

The Battle,
The Americans landed with no resistance. It was early and spread fear and confusion among the ranks. They quickly captured the Airports and deployed tanks on the field. The Total silence quickly ended when they met the Japanese forces on the souther part of Okinawa. They opened fire and massacred American troops. The island was consumed by fire and artillery. The Japanese Fortified in jungle and hills launched constant attacks and artillery bombardment, no part of the island was safe. General Simon Bolivar Junior was killed after a heavy bombardment of his HQ. This continued for weeks as the Americans could not break through the Japanese line and with the recruitment of Middle school children into their ranks the frontline where always manned.  Finally after major Coastal bombardments and a major air raid the Japanese line broke right in the center. The Americans launched a massive spear head and cut of Japans units into three corners. They did not surrender and took several more weeks to finally secure the island. The Japanese General Committed seppuku and following his death all remain Japanese forces initiated massive Bonsai charges. This was extremely deadly because of the amount of grenades they had. After 81 Days of Battle the "Typhoon of Steel" had ended.

The Aftermath,
Casualties were incredibly high. Americans lost 82 thousand of their initial force and an additional 55 thousand wounded, The American public and high command was shocked for lack of a better word. This battle had killed thousands and scarred even more. The Japanese Suffered even more 110 thousand Japanese soldier died in the fighting. think about that for a moment. thats 110% of the force in Okinawa. Almost no one surrendered. This of course is only possible thanks to the Okinawans  who fought which added an additional 10 thousand to the Japanese. Okinawans probably suffered the most during the battle. 90% of all building were destroyed in the fighting. Abut 40% of people under the age of 15 died and large amounts of civilians were killed during the fighting.

This Battle However Decided the Fate of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Atomic Bombs had been tested and developed but in all parts of the government debate was fierce. Questioning the morality and the cost of dropping the bombs. Before this battle many still believed an invasion of Japan was preferable. This changed after this battle. I will not go into the debate whether or not you believe the bombing was justified but when it was decided this Battle heavily influenced it. American Hearts where heavy with the idea of loosing any more men to take an island which would fight to the very end. Following the end of the battle of Okinawa in June 22 in 1945 the atomic bombs were dropped two weeks later. Victory in the Pacific came. The War was over.  I will end this with a thought of the time and a thought we should never forget.

"Never again can we allow the world to be consumed in war, Because War only means one thing. The Death of Everything."


  1. It's unfortunate that events transpired where the bombs were dropped. The battle had very high casualties and I think this battle was a key reason that lead to America's ultimate decision to take drastic action to end the suffering of the marines in the pacific.

  2. The way that you broke down the battle into it individual parts made this much easier to understand.
