Sunday, December 2, 2018

Americans Society and Values

         Since the beginning where more factories were opening, more goods were being produced and technology was increasing Americans have been losing what's truly important. As Henry David Thoreau describes in his book Walden. He states that Americans are losing touch with nature and are trying so hard to acquire the most wealth possible. They are trapped in this cycle that prevents them to see natures beauty.
         Thoreau himself retreated to a cabin in the forest for 3 years escaping the  "misplaced values" that ruled American society. He believed that true happiness and freedom lay withing, not on the number of material goods you possessed. Thoreau also exemplifies that the wisest of man has lived the most simple life as to where now they live with comforts and maybe that's what's affecting Americans. His experience in the woods thought him what life really is and only when he was going to die did he discover that he had not lived. He thinks that the cure for the whole nation is simplifying the life of men and having a more reasonable and true purpose of life.
         I believe that what Thoreau says in his book relates a lot to modern life. Our generation is so focused on technology and how much money we are able to make that we just live like robots. We follow the same life as others have taken to become wealthy. We seek help in technology which has stopped us from learning beyond what's expected of us. Most teenagers don't know how to cook or clean without searching something up that will help us. Most don't even read books we use technology to instantly get the answers. This I believe is what Thoreau was in a way predicting would happen if America kept progressing the way that it was. Which makes me wonder is there really no way of going back. 

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