We learned about how gay marriage was a factor in the 2004 election as a wedge issue, but I was curious to the history of gay marriage, both before the legalization in Massachusetts that sparked the 2004 controversy and where it is today.
In 1970, the first couple ever to appeal for a marriage license was rejected, even after an appeal to the supreme court. However, this couple didn’t give up, and with some tricky maneuvers was able to legally get a marriage license in 1971. This couple was Jack Baker and Michael McConnell, and they were the first gay couple to ever be legally married in the United States. Even after further legalization of gay marriage with more authentic certificates and licenses, they never got another one after 1971.
The timeline after this historic event isn’t perfect, but there are some events that everyone can agree on. Maryland was the first state to outright ban same-sex marriage in 1973. They held this up even in 2007, saying they can regulate marriage however they like. Though there were some events revolving around spousal and family rights during the 80s and 90s, the 2000s saw many states have action against and for same-sex marriage.
In 2004, San Francisco challenged California’s laws by marrying many gay couples. California ordered them to take back the licenses, siding with the opposition to gay marriage, but it was still an important moment in the fight for equality. The year after, Californians tried to get same-sex marriage approved, but the governor vetoed it. That same year, 2005, Connecticut officially became the second state to legalize gay marriage.
In the years that followed, many supreme courts across the country made decisions, with voters turning things over and approving other things. In California, an important part of this time was prop 8, a ballot proposition that threatened to ban same-sex marriage. This was ultimately ruled unconstitutional. Other states dealing with supreme court cases about this were Iowa, New Jersey, and New York.
In 2011, the ball really started rolling. Obama spoke out against the Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA. DOMA was an act in 1966 that made federal recognition of same-sex marriage unconstitutional. After this, New York legalized same-sex marriage. In 2012, Washington, Maine, and Maryland followed, legalizing by popular vote. After that, numerous states followed in 2013 and 2014.
But it was in 2015 that the famous Obergefell v. Hodges caused the United States Supreme Court to officially rule over all 50 states that same sex marriage was legal. Gay marriage was legally protected in the United States.
It’s crazy to think about how that wasn’t even 4 years ago- the anniversary is in June. And around the world, there are still countries where being gay is illegal, and people are jailed or killed. Recognizing this historic moment is important, especially considering how recent it was. June is Pride Month, a month dedicated to the history and celebration of the LGBT community. This June, let’s remember all the people and struggles that got us to where we are today.