Saturday, April 27, 2019

Columbine High School Shooting

One of the biggest school shootings to ever occur was contrived by 2 high school students who had gotten their hands on automatic guns and a lot of misdirected anger. This school shooting had led to many debated as to whether or not to address both the bullying problem, and the gun problem in america.  

At 11:19 am, the two high school students, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, began shooting other high school students at Columbine High, in the south of Denver. Within less than twenty minutes, the teens had collectively killed 12 students, a teacher, and had wounded over 20 more students. The students had also attempted to set off a propane bomb, but when that had proven unsuccessful, they began their shooting spree. After the shooting, more information came out explaining that their main targets had included athletes, minorities, and christians.

A large investigation on the backgrounds of the two high schoolers had revealed that they had been social outcasts belonging to a gothic group named the trenchcoat mafia. They carried out this shooting in retaliation for being bullied by their high school peers. Apparently, bullying at Columbine high school was extremely common, and the teachers and staff their did little to stop it. The actions taken by these two students to retaliate against this epidemic were initially harmless, but had soon devolved into more serious crimes that led to the shooting.

Image result for columbine high school shooting
The 2 school shooters, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris

This shooting was considered the most deadliest school shootings in American history, which is why it receive such a strong public reaction against it. The Columbine shooting had set off a national debate as to how to fix the the growing amount of gun violence in schools. Many schools have reacted to this situation by increasing the amount of private security forces and to install metal detectors. Many had also blamed the police forces slow reaction to this school shooting, especially when they were too cautious to approach the campus which led to bleeding out of many victims. This shooting had overall increase the attention to this growing epidemic, and had eventually led to stricter gun laws against people of lower age to restrict this violence from happening again.


  1. That's truly disgusting. I remember watching a Ted presentation by one of the shooter's mothers, describing her horror. This is a very good post highlighting the necessity for gun control in American society today as these high-grade weapons are finding themselves in the hands of irresponsible youth and people in general.

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  3. This is truly awful it shows how far the mental health system has fallen in the US. I remember how I was listening to a podcast which they talked about how their is a gun and a shooter but the vast majority of the time people talk about the gun but his belief was that you had to balance out the situation and talk about the motivation to mental health.

  4. This post helps highlight the necessity of gun control in American society. We need better regulations so teenagers can't gain control of these deadly weapons. I agree with Justin we also need to have a better mental health system because this is where it starts. Theres so many areas of error that we need to fix to better our community and society.
