Sunday, April 14, 2019

Video Games as an Art?

In the past, society has always had a definition of what the word art meant. Most had the basis of Human Expression, and in this, they were all right, but many began to disagree on what counted as an expression.

Today art can be described in all varieties, be it Drawing, Painting, Sculpting or even Musically, with all the different genres in Music, or even a new medium in that came about in the '30s, movies through the medium of television and cinema; be it the most recent example as it only came about 91 years ago.

A new medium has arisen, however, not far after the rapid production in the video game industry, video games qualities began to improve significantly. These corporations running the business began to have profits in the millions to hundreds of millions. With the medium becoming so lucrative as a business, the quality of the games also saw a massive improvement.

Some change arose in the mechanics or graphical displays of the games, but some tries to add more in the single player, adding a new element to the market, storylines. The game began to have stories. After a while a lot of great stories came out,  few years pass and some of these stories are winning awards in communities, 12 years pass and video games are now being contended as art in some regards, and in the same ways that movies are.

Many wonders if this claim that movies are art is a valid one. Contention on both sides of the argument confirms the fragility of the issue to many.


  1. Very astute observation. I agree that video games today are definitely a form of art. While there is a major technical aspect to modern games, the creative aspect is arguably the greatest.

  2. I would definitely agree with you on the fact that video games have morphed from something seen as a toy/novelty, to a form of art. An example of this is vaping - once seen as some kind of passing trend, there are now competitions for doing vape tricks. Though it's hard to take competitive vaping as an art seriously, Art can take the shape or form of really anything. In essence it is a form of expression, and is subject to the beholder. As time goes on, we will see things that initially seem like a novelty be eventually taken seriously as a form of art.

  3. I agree on many aspects on this post since I agree that video games are a form of art. Since over time from the early games such as Doom being a pix elated game to having 4k capabilities in 2019 with it's newer version Doom Eternal. Over time art adapts and changes, but in the same way video games have changed to.
