On July 16th, 1969, nearly 50 years ago, America allegedly landed Apollo 11, carrying astronauts, on the moon. We've all see the videotapes of Neil Armstrong putting the American flag on the satellite, but the question remains- did it actually happen?

On Fox t.v., back in 2001, a documentary was produced, titled:
Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?. The movie claimed that the moon landing was faked to win the space race back in '69. The documentary argued that there was no way that the Apollo missions could've made it past the Van Allen radiation belts, and that discrepancies in the photos and videos "taken on the moon" proved that the landing never actually happened.

In photos, no stars appear in the lunar sky, and wind appears to be rippling in the flag. Furthermore, there appears to be a reflection of a stagehand in an astronaut's visor, which supports that the moon landing was faked and the videos and photos were created in a studio. In response to theorists, NASA released images that show the landing sites of Apollo missions 11, 15, 16, and 17.
Theorists believe that a desperate JFK ordered NASA to create photos and videos proving that America landed on to moon in a desperate bid to evoke American pride, nationalism, and win the space race.
It's up to you to decide what is true and what is false, but it is a little suspicious that we no longer have the technology to send men to the moon- technology that was supposedly invented nearly 50 years ago.
I dont know what you mean by "it is a little suspicious that we no longer have the technology to send men to the moon" as there was a landing in 1972 with Apollo 17 and many others from the United States. Do you think that all of these were faked. Or that there could have been different phenomenons that happen on the moon.
ReplyDeleteOoh interesting- personally I do believe that the moon landings happened, but thought it would be nice to check out the evidence that conspiracy theorists cite as proof that they were false.
DeleteWell obviously
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to theorize and think about the logic that creates conspiracies, it is scary because i belive some of them of course do have some logical foundations but quickly become consumend in the rabbit hole.