Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Department of Homeland Security

The department of homeland security (DHS) was created on November 25, 2002 on response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and wage war on all terrorist threats. The office's duty is to create detailed strategies in order to protect america against terrorism and any future attacks. Plans for the department had stemmed from Pennsylvania governor, Tom Ridge after he was appointed as the director of security in the White House. His proposal to create the new department had marked the most significant transformation of the US government in over 50 years because of the large realigning that the department would cause. Unlike what many perceive, the Department of Defense is different from the DHS in that they deal with military actions abroad, while the DHS deals with mostly the civilian population to protect the US within its borders. In 2003 the DHA had also absorbed the department of Immigration and the US customs service, and had taken their duties as well.

A list of the varying responsibilities and accomplishments that the DHS is as follows:

Combating Terrorism and Indoor Threats
The DHS is extremely focused on pursuing terrorist threats to their source, stopping these actions from reaching America. The department has enhanced various security protocols to prevent the vetting of certain people who pose as threats. This department had increased security across every route that terrorists might use to get into the United States which would include tourism spots, refugee spots, and recently the border of America. The DHS has also countered numerous aviation threats to prevent any air attack like 9/11. They have increased the baseline of security in which airports would need to prevent any terrorists onto planes who mean harm.
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If in case that these threats come into fruition, disaster response is key to prevent any serious problems that occur after the event. The Federal Emergency Management Agency partners with the DHA to respond to these disasters that affect over 25 million americans. The hurricane season had produced several hurricanes including Harvey, Irma, and Maria that had a large amount of destruction in the more tropical areas. These agencies provide more than 7.6 billion in disaster assistance for over 5 million household in case of disaster.

The DHS protects various network in the US, from the electric grid to transportation systems, all which terrorists seek to disrupt and destroy. The DHA also works to increase cyber security by establishing a deeper connection with private companies where cyber attacks could have devastating impacts. Public health,safety, the economy, and even national security as well can all be harm through means of cyber attacks. A specific hotspot in where the DHS provides protection is too secure american voting in local, state, and national elections. In partnerships with various election officials, the department consistently creates new procedure that share information on potential cyber threats to these elections. In doing so, the DHS is extremely committed to build and enhance cyber capacity to secure all of US elections.

Overall the Department of Homeland Security, created from the threat of the 9/11 attacks, have provided an extremely large base of protection for the American people, and they continue to do so even today.

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