The numbers look like this:
8400 Troops remain after withdrawal
Withdrawal process begins 14 June 2011
Withdrawl ends 31 December 2015
Remaining US combatants as of December 2015 are based in 4 garrisons; these being in Kabul, Kandahar, Bagram, Jalalabad.

What this means is that the war is almost over, as of right now we have less than 100,000 troops in Afganistan. It is widely regarded that American forces are sitting at about 8,000 to 9,500. This is nothing to fight an offensive war with and it's obvious we are in the process of leaving like we did with Iraq and Vietnam.

With this war having been started in 2008, what has stopped us for so long when ending the war? What made this war so special that we had to stay in it so long- so long in fact that it is now the longest war in U.S history by far- and not end it already? Put your thoughts and reasoning for your opinions in the comments.
Well I think that one of the factors that the US doesn't want to leave yet is that if the US retracts all it's troops it leaves a vacuum were a dictator could take control.