Saturday, April 27, 2019

Guantanamo Bay

The US had a huge reaction to the 9/11 attacks and on of the effects of this reaction was an increase of security was a place where they were going to hold those that were captured from the war of terror. One of the reasons that Guantanamo Bay is the place for storing very important criminals or terrorist is because of its location.

Guantanamo Bay was just not a random place that they picked for a prison it has a-lot of history to make sure that it was the correct spot. There has always been tensions between Cuba and the United States and recently Obama has been wanting to pull out of Guantanamo, but there have been 100 prisoners being held there and it is hard to transfer them to another facility.

As the military base has not been welcomed by Castro, there have been attempts to close the water supply and cut off the military base and the families there. But the base made their own electrical power plant and water distiliation facility. As Guantanamo is not just a place for a jail, but many people in that area see it as a way to the United States. As there was a coup d’état in Haiti, thousands of Haitians left and were allowed to stay in Guantanamo to see what their options would be to get into the United States.

Guantanamo Bay is not in the United States meaning that it is not covered by the US constitution, and the people that are held there are under the name of "enemy combatants" and that means that they are denied a many rights. Which means they are also not covered by laws passed by the Geneva convention protecting prisoners.

Guantanamo Bay has been an expensive prison for the United States as they have to rent the land from Cuba, and they are spending and additional 445 million each year to keep the prison running.

1 comment:

  1. Very Interesting article, I did not know that people would use Guantanamo bay as an entrance point to get into the US. One would think that it could be used as a vantage point for anyone who needed to get into the US, rather than just an expensive prison. Tho this does touch on the fact that the US still mistreats its prisoners by labeling them as enemy combatants.
