Thursday, April 25, 2019


We briefly went over Obama and what he accomplished. One of the notable things from his presidency is Obamacare or the Patient Protection and Affordable Act of 2010. This doesn't just act doesn't affect health insurance, it changes the way America delivers health care itself.

The primary focus of this act was the reduce the increase in the cost of health care. There were 3 components that were put together to accomplish this...
1. Make sure everyone could be insured. Before Obamacare, insurance companies could exclude people with pre-existing conditions. This resulted in the people with the greatest health expenses having to go without insurance and not being able to afford treatment. They would often end up in emergency rooms with their health expenses becoming life-threatening. Hospitals passed those expenses onto Medicaid, which resulted in the rise of health care costs. Obama care allows the people to afford preventive care and in turn slows the rise of health care costs.
2. Obamacare promises to receive many healthy patients. They accomplish this by requiring everyone to have health insurance fora t least 9 months out of every 12 or be subject to a tax.
3. Federal subsidies to help everyone afford the required insurance.

Finally, here are some quick facts...
1. ObamaCare is just the nickname for the real name which is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also referred to as the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
2. The real goal of this act is to lower the cost of Medicare and Medicaid
3. It benefits the middle-class more than the poor
4. 60% of those who are eligible for Obamacare subsidies don't even know.
7. Unfortunately, t doesn't provide health insurance to illegal immigrants. However, the ACA does expand community health clinics to serve them.
8. There are 10 sections in the ACA

1 comment:

  1. This was a very interesting blog post. I did not know many of the details that you talked about. It seems like there should be more easily accessible information for people so these services can help a larger population.
