Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Trump vs. Filmore

Tonight I was up thinking which historic President most resembles our president, Donald Trump, today. I came up with different presidents that have similar traits to Trump.

a. James K. Polk
  • hardest-nosed negotiators
  • campaign and slogan promised gained territory from Mexico and the UK
  • annexed Texas 
  • went to war with Mexico
  • threatened war with the UK
  • arrogance
  • self- made man
b. Andrew Johnson
  • faced sharp questions over unity and nationality following the Civil War
  • demanded loyalty to his cabinet
    • fired Secretary fo War
  • failed impeachment attempt
c. Chester Arthur
  • seen with doubt and fear
  • seen as a problem in government
d. Ronald Reagan
  • Screen star
  • extensively delegated
  • the authority of the president placed in top staffers
e. John Adams
  • reputation for articulate jabs at the expense of his allies and rivals alike
  • stubborn independence
f. James Monroe
  • terrible temper
  • petty disputes
g. John Quincy Adams
  • "proved the wrong man for the presidency"
  • "aloof, stubborn, and ferociously independent"
    • failed to forge alliances


  1. I liked how easy this post was to read. You got all the information down, and this post was also insightful and drew connections that I hadn't seen before.

  2. I like the format of this- it's not the usual paragraph style post that we see all the time, plus, it was interesting to see how these traits appear time and time again in our presidents- wonder what that says about the voters...
